Sunday, November 16, 2008

3d Render

This is my first 3d rendering using blender, after watching all basic tutorial, this is what i came up.
blender id free and you can find it here

Video tutorial can be downloaded here

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Still life

this time i try to paint on bigger canvas.

Drawing process

Monday, May 05, 2008

Create Animated Gif Online

Another online tools at aniboom website is their MicroSmotion, all you need is your webcam and you can create your own animated gif.

select screen open your webcam and press space bar to capture a frame. 15 to 20 frames are good size for animated gif.

here is my latest smotion.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Video Tutorial

I made a video tutorial for shapeshifter on how to make a cartoon head.
its not easy to draw using only 4 basic shape. just watch it.

From sketch book pages

over the years I'm doodling cartoon on my free time. heres are some of them.
this is done when I'm creating a character for a comics strip.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Doodle sketches

This is one of my early sketches when i'm starting to draw cartoon, this was done many years ago, yes many years, when scanner and internet are not easily accessible.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rate My drawing

This is another online tool that let you draw online using basic tool, after you draw you can watch the animated process of your drawing, this is my first try to use it, its a cartoon character super hero, intended for a comic script but never finish.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Angry Face!

This time start drawing on Intermediate Board.
I have a hard time doing this one, hope you like it.

drawn in 11 hours 10 min with Lascaux Sketch

Drawing Process

Friday, April 18, 2008


i,m just looking for something to draw when i see this old CD label of console game, i love cartoon so i just give it a try to put it on 2draw canvas.

Drawing Process..

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mask of Zorro

This is my best digital painting so far, it took me 4 hrs and 18 mins. to finish, (in 5 sitting)

see the process below.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

2draw 2nd submission

this is my 2nd submission in 2draw website. still getting the feel of their online tools.

draw online!

i just found this site that let you draw anything you want with their 3 powerful tools online.

2draw website

this is my first submission to this site.
watch the animated process on making this one here!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Online Animation

Its been a year now since I have found this great tool called Aniboom Shapeshifter. This is an online animation tool, here you will show your creativity by draw and animate by using just 4 basic shape. Its online and free to registered, no programmes to install. not to mention that i won twice in their animation contest.

watch my winning entry that brought me a 30gb ipod video.

Watch more cool animation that i've done in this site!